Jim Donnelly, who describes himself as “passionate about the local business and technology communities,” has left a long and distinctive career in journalism to join the Ottawa media monitoring/analysis firm MediaMiser.
As the company’s new director of content and strategic alliances, Donnelly’s strong academic background and vast experience in mass media will be a definite asset, especially as MediaMiser continues to develop new products and services for its clients.
“Jim’s five years of experience at the Ottawa Business Journal, as a reporter and later editor- in-chief, has made him a well-respected journalist in Ottawa and beyond,” says MediaMiser CEO and CTO Brett Serjeantson. “Time and again, he has demonstrated an ability to rise to challenges, most recently as he helped the newspaper transform from a Transcontinental company to one owned by Great River Media.”
Along with a BA (History/English) from Wilfrid Laurier University and a Masters in Journalism from Carleton University, Donnelly brings extensive media credentials to his new position. His journalism career has spanned Ottawa Magazine, Frank Magazine, the City Journal, the Orleans Star, and Ottawa at Home.
“I’m very excited to join such an innovative and dynamic company,” Donnelly says. “Although leaving my journalism career was a difficult choice, I’m happy I’ll be able to keep my hand in the media industry while taking on new learning experiences and challenges.”
Although Donnelly will be a source of knowledge, expertise, and helpful advice for all divisions within the company, he will play a key role with the Media Research Group, one of the newest departments within MediaMiser’s Client Services division.
For more information:
Chris Morrison
President and Vice-President of Client Services.
(613) 232-7797, ext. 154