The Pan Am Games: social weighs in

It’s been a rough road for the Pan Am Games and they’ve yet to begin. During its six years of preparation, the event has been plagued by public condemnation over the expenses execs charged to taxpayers, their $7 million in bonuses, and even traffic lane issues.

A final bill of $2.5 billion has given Canadians lofty expectations. As the numbers roll in on ticket sales and hotel occupancies, the media is quick to judge the return on investment: yesterday, the New York Times published an article declaring the games had landed in an “indifferent” Toronto “with a thud.”

But that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been hype for the games—especially on Twitter.

With the Opening Ceremonies set in Toronto for this evening, we put our software to work analyzing tweets about the games. Using MediaMiser Enterprise, we monitored nearly 10k tweets mentioning the Pan Am Games through July 1 to 10.

Top influencers by number of tweets:

graph1 @Koran_Inggris (164)
@CBCToronto (71)
@katzt  (60)
@reginadailynews (47)
@torontosolds (44)
@CBCOlympics (42)
@sportmetweets (40)
@LLinda91 (39)
@cbcsports (39)
@Brdcaster (37)

Most retweeted:
@CBCToronto  (652)
@CBCNews (533)
@CBCOlympics (322)
@TO2015 (186)
@cityofhamilton (176)
@smitharyy (72)
@KidsCBC (72)
@DBECanada (57)
@StevenDelDuca (53)

Top influencers by followers:graph2
@CBCNews (1,146,647)
@CBCAlerts (553,720)
@nationalpost (380,347)
@CTVNews (271,376)
@CityNews (240,799)
@CTVToronto (214,881)
@BTtoronto (210,355)
@CBCToronto (209,797)
@torontofc (186,377)
@TheTorontoSun (169,388)






Hartley Butler George

Hartley Butler George