To attract customers and stand out from the competition, companies need brand assets. Brand assets are what help companies build their identities, create trust with the target audience, and maintain consistency. Brand assets are all of the recognizable elements that can embody the identity of a business. Those elements include a company’s logo, typography, color palette, sounds, design elements, as well as anything else that helps that company stand out from the competition, be identified by the audience, and create customer associations.

One of the most important facts that consumers take into account when making a purchasing decision is trust, which means it’s important for companies to design brand assets that will highlight their strengths, identities, and values. Brand assets help companies create touchpoints that consumers will instantly recognize, such as the minimalist design from Apple, or the Amazon logo on packages.

However, brand assets aren’t solely limited to slogans and logos, as they’re more a combination of a number of elements that help companies create a unique identity. With the help of well-designed brand assets, companies can provide a unified and consistent experience to audiences, and stay at the top of their customer’s minds without being mistaken for a competitor. With quality brand assets, like those discussed below, any company can showcase its identity in a positive way, and recognize how those assets play into the overall brand.


The first great example of a memorable brand asset comes from the popular marketing automation platform Mailchimp. The mascot for the brand is named Freddie, and it’s aimed at playing up the company’s conversational tone and humor. The biggest brand assets are shared with consumers on the company’s website, along with the content style guide. That guide is a very important element for anyone that wants to understand the company’s values and voice in a detailed way.


Another brand with memorable brand assets is the software-as-a-service (SAAS) company Zendesk. Visitors to the company’s website can learn about the history behind the brand, the attributes behind the popular customer support software, and more. They can also learn more about specific brand assets such as brand voice, color palettes, and typography.


The US-based video hosting, sharing, and services platform provider Vimeo is another great example of branding assets. The company has provided a brand guideline to anyone that needs to see it. That guideline includes the company’s branding assets, as well as a detailed instruction manual on how the features on the platform should be used. People can learn how to reference the platform, how to share its unique graphics, as well as how to use the logo.


The ride-sharing platform Uber has shared its branding assets in a brand playbook. That means anyone that’s looking for the company’s logo, or specific templates of it, can easily access it. Uber also made it very simple for people to understand how they can create their own assets or use the company’s own, which is crucial for any brand that operates all over the world.

Mike Paffmann

Mike Paffmann

Mike Paffmann is CEO of Virgo-PR.