No matter what kind of business you run, it is important to make sure your public relations are as great as possible all year round. Using different techniques during different seasons is a great way to connect with customers on a less-generalized and more personalized basis. Below are some tips that any business can use to use PR more effectively in the summer months.

Decorate a storefront

Window shopping is fairly popular at any time of year, but perhaps even more popular during the summer months when kids are out of school and the weather is nice enough to walk around town without a care in the world. Decorating a storefront to match the season can both show the customers what kind of seasonal items the business is selling, at the same time, show customers that the business owner is active enough to promote the store on a regular basis.

Decorating a storefront is all about creativity. Put some items in the window that scream “summer!” Windows are also the perfect spot to display any signs announcing sales or new products. Don’t forget to decorate high and low. Use a step ladder to hang decorations like streamers. Bend down low to put things closer to ground level where kids are more likely to see them. All of these decorations can help to make new customers curious enough to walk into the building and encourage old customers to come back and see what’s new.

Include summertime activities imagery

Some activities are synonymous with summer; including them in advertisements or selling goods that help with these activities can help to boost public relations. Pools are probably the most iconic summer items, whether it be a public pool or a little inflatable pool that goes in the backyard. For example, pool builders in Houston might have an advertisement, not only showing finished pools but also pool toys and people enjoying the water.

Post updates on social media

Outside of communicating with employees or the business owner in person, a customer is going to have most of their relationship with a business based on what they see online—mostly on the business’s social media pages. Here, customers can see what new items or services a business is offering and leave reviews for other customers to see.

By having a good social media presence and replying to messages and comments quickly, a business can boost its online reputation—in turn, boosting its public relations with the community. Make sure online interactions are genuine and not pandering. Keep posts relevant to the business, but don’t only post ads. Customers need something to engage with. Ask questions for them to answer and ask for suggestions on how the business can be improved.

Get the word out early

Lastly, don’t wait until the last minute to improve your business’s public relations. If a sale starts on June 1st, don’t wait until June to announce it. Make sure to buy things earlier than you usually would to make sure that your business can keep up with supply and demand, especially if you live in an area that is currently being affected by supply chain issues. The last thing any business wants to do is advertise for an item that they don’t even have. This is only a waste of both time and money.

Improving your business’s public relations in the summer doesn’t need to be any more difficult in the summer than it is during any other season. Just make sure that you are promoting things ahead of time, preparing your business, getting the word out, and making your store a delightful summer hotspot.

Brett Clawson

Brett Clawson

Brett is a 43-year-old father of 2 boys with a degree in Business Management. In his free time, he enjoys learning about emerging business trends and writing about how to incorporate them into new and existing businesses.