
Now that we are in 2020, the power that a properly-devised PR strategy has on LinkedIn is a well-known fact. When it comes to social networks, you can always count on LinkedIn as the pillar of online presence and the legitimacy of your business. So a well-executed PR strategy on LinkedIn will do just that, help you expand the reach of your brand, increase your exposure and ultimately reach its intended goal of bringing new customers to your virtual doorstep.

Numerous studies have shown that the lack of adequate marketing and PR will doom your chances of finding prospective new clients. But, upon a closer look, you will find there is already a solution to that problem—you are missing out on these effective tools and techniques and thus lowering your chances of succeeding in your marketing campaign goals.

It’s not that PR and marketing agencies lack the tools and methods to find new clients—many businesses either fail to see it or are uninformed on how to use them. Many tend to think that just winging it is possible, either due to overconfidence in their abilities or simply failing to understand that a good digital PR strategy is crucial to the success of any online company.

Social media is a versatile resource to grow your agency, double your ROI, and attract new clients. Especially since LinkedIn has been relatively dormant since it was first launched but has come to life over the past few years. It may not have the flashy appeal of Instagram or the insane reach of Facebook, which is exactly why it wins due to its exclusivity, as far as online business is concerned.

Luckily, in 2020 we now have solutions that enable us to harness the full power of LinkedIn to generate loads of new leads, win more clients, and stay relevant. So, let’s look at some tips that will help you craft the perfect PR strategy on LinkedIn for your company.

Tip #1: Pay attention to social etiquette

As an online business, you need to embrace digital marketing and sharpen your social media skills. The essence of marketing on LinkedIn is to follow established etiquette according to the dynamics of the platform. The more attention you pay to the platform, the better you will understand how people interact and what is acceptable behavior. Avoid being spammy, mind your language, and remember that every social interaction can lead to a potential client.

Tip #2: Contract LinkedIn influencers

Just like in a real life, it’s all about connections and who you know that often determine your success. Since it’s all on the internet, you have the opportunity to network with influencers in your niche that are able to help boost your audience. Most people already have LinkedIn influencers in their connections but didn’t think to ask for a repost or share. LinkedIn Influencers have massive authority on social networks and are worthy of including their services on the marketing budget.

Tip #3: Employ LinkedIn automation

You can generate leads on LinkedIn using LinkedIn automation tools such as Expandi and We-Connect. When you run a digital business with millions of potential customers waiting to be contacted all over the world, there is no time for boring routine social media tasks. LinkedIn automation enables you to streamline the process, helping you increase your daily output of leads and new customers. So the days of slaving away hours sending emails are over and as other businesses start to embrace LinkedIn automation in 2020, you can employ LinkedIn automation to even the odds against your competition.

Tip #4: Pay close attention to your audience

Always pay attention to the feedback you get on social media for your content. Your fans and random people that comment on your posts can provide excellent insight into your marketing campaigns. Oftentimes comments might be useless or uninformative, but always keep track of what people are saying. In some cases, you might need to block or delete commentary that can potentially ruin a great post that was performing well. Thankfully, you can rely on software to help gather this data and sort it for you, enabling you to create a better strategy for your marketing campaign.

Final thoughts

As an online business, you stand to benefit immensely from LinkedIn if you have the perfect strategy that delivers value and communicates your uniqueness to your virtual audience. By using a combination of traditional LinkedIn marketing strategies and the latest LinkedIn business tools, you can take your digital PR strategy to the next level. The technology alone will not guarantee your success on LinkedIn, as common-sense and social media etiquette also play an important role in how your PR strategy will perform.

Stefan Smulders

Stefan Smulders

Stefan Smulders is SaaS Entrepreneur | Founder of world’s safest software for LinkedIn Automation Expandi.io | for more than 5 years Founder of LeadExpress.nl.