Companies that have managed to score the coveted media coverage that many other businesses have tried to achieve for a long time aren’t at the end of their journey. In fact, generating positive media coverage is just one of the many steps that companies need to take in their promotional campaigns. There are plenty of ways in which they can capitalize further on initial media coverage. As long as none of their promotional efforts seem to be “sales-y” to consumers, businesses that have received media coverage still have plenty of work to do before the promotional campaign ends.

Link building

Once a company’s story starts getting shared across outlets or on social media, it’s crucial that the business takes advantage of that buzz. The best way to do this is by looking for ways that the media coverage can generate a boost to the authority of the company’s business website.

Companies can do this by checking the stories that are coming out on Google News, or by setting up an alert with the company’s name so they don’t have to check Google’s news website frequently. With this type of alert, when the company’s name is mentioned in any articles, it will get an email alert. Then, the business can send out an email to the journalist that created the article, or to the journalist’s outlet. All it takes is for the business to compliment the journalist or the outlet for writing the article, and then to ask them to include a link that will lead any future readers of the article to the company’s business website.

It’s important to phrase the request to the outlet or journalist as a benefit that other readers can gain, instead of portraying it as a demand from the business. This will give the outlet or journalist a good enough incentive to link back to the company’s business website.

Blog posts

If a company’s promotional campaign has been successful, there is going to be an increase in website visits to its domain. To capitalize on that success, companies can create their own blogs where they can detail the same or similar information that was provided to outlets in the press release. This allows businesses to provide additional valuable and relevant information to any consumers who want to learn more about the campaign, the business, or the solutions it provides.

Social media shares

Lastly, companies can also ask any media outlets that have published articles about them to share those articles on their own social media channels. This is an effective strategy for companies looking to attract a larger audience to their campaign and products. With social media platforms moving fast in the news they provide, it’s important that businesses send out this request to outlets as soon as they notice a story on them has been published, so the article can be shared while it’s still new.

Dara Busch

Dara Busch

As Co-CEO at 5W Public RelationsDara Busch oversees 5W’s Consumer Practice, which includes Travel & Entertainment, Apparel & Accessories, Non-Profits, Home & Housewares, Health & Wellness, Mom & Baby, Beauty & Grooming, and Consumer Packaged Goods.