With consumers becoming more and more cautious about how they spend their money and what types of companies they support, it’s important to get the message out there that your business is responsible and eco-friendly, so that consumers know that they can trust your brand and your products. People are becoming increasingly concerned with the environment, and this is actually dictating spending patterns, so with a good green PR campaign, you can direct these morally active customers to your business.

But how does a business do that? It’s important to make sure that you get the marketing right, as you don’t want your green campaign to end up as greenwashing. This term is used to describe companies that try so hard to boost their perception that they twist the truth and make claims to deceive the public.

Consumers can identify greenwashing easily, especially if they see a company spend more money on its green marketing campaign than it does on actually implementing environmentally-sound practices. To make sure this isn’t your company, invest in some simple changes, like easily recyclable materials, low-power LED lightbulbs, and machinery that can make your production more efficient, such as that available at fluentconveyors.com.

With these tips, you’ll know how to create a great green PR campaign that’s authentic and will encourage customers to support you and your cause.

Be genuine

It’s very important that your campaign doesn’t twist the truth and talk about values that the company doesn’t really have. It’s vital to make sure that the company is doing exactly what the marketing says it’s doing, as any less and it would be disingenuous, and customers would feel like they’re being lied to and manipulated.

Don’t just do a green marketing campaign because it will make your business more popular, as these changes need to reflect your core values. It’ll be a bad look talking about all the great things your company is doing when the CEO drives a diesel-guzzling car and wears unsustainable clothing.

Educate your customers

It’s all well and good saying what you’re doing to protect the environment, but a good green marketing campaign would also explain why this is necessary and important. Making people understand the issues you’re trying to address and why the changes you’re making can be helpful will encourage the doubters to buy into what you’re doing, which could increase your brand reach. Without doing this, a lot of your target market may not understand why and think to themselves ‘what’s the point?’—which could lead to your campaign gaining little traction.

The best green campaigns usually show examples of what’s happening and demonstrate the negative impact of some of the practices that businesses are trying to limit, as these can create a much more visceral reaction, prompting activism and change.

Let customers participate

The better marketing campaigns, no matter if they’re green-orientated or not, give the audience a call to action to make them feel more involved with the campaign. Usually, this is an invite to share, leave a comment, tag a friend, or something social like that, but with a green campaign, try and make the call to action make a difference. Certain changes that businesses can make are hard for individuals to implement, but activities such as planting trees, recycling, or growing their own vegetables are achievable, and could even start a public trend, increasing your visibility in the public eye.

Steve Conway

Steve Conway

Steve Conway is a content marketing professional and inbound marketing expert. Previously, Steve worked as a marketing manager for a tech software start-up. He is passionate about discovering new software that will that will advance his already well-honed digital marketing techniques.