PR can be a great way to get the word out about your business if you’re a new entrepreneur. The world of business is full of opportunities, and there are plenty of resources, from registered agents to PR consultants to help you get started. But as with anything, it’s essential to be prepared for the challenges ahead. Here are thirteen PR tips to help you get started on the right foot.

13 winning PR tips for new entrepreneurs

1. Tell your brand’s story

As a new entrepreneur, you probably know your business better than anyone else. To get the word out about your company, consider sharing the storing of your company’s creation. Many businesses are born out of personal experiences, and the story behind your company is often much more interesting than anything else. Whether you write a blog post or record a video for YouTube, or a new branding campaign, consider sharing your story with the world.

2. Compose a newsworthy press release

Along with your story, it’s important to send out a newsworthy press release. There are lots of ways to spice up your press release and make it more appealing: add visuals, include quotes from key officials in the industry, and mention any awards or recognition the company has received. You can even link back to a blog post that discusses the topic in more detail.

3. Choose a good email list

When sending out a press release, it’s important to segment your list and reach out to an appropriate audience. When you have a large enough email list, you can target your email and message towards people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Creating a video message helps build a connection with your audience. When writing your press release, choose a large list that has an interest in your product or service and the demographics that best appeal to your target market.

4. Craft compelling pitches aimed at your target media

When creating your pitches, you need your target audience in mind. Whether it’s through surveys and feedback forms or smart AI data collection, make sure you know the ins and outs of your audience. Writers and editors are busy people. They probably get dozens (if not hundreds) of press releases every day, so it’s essential to make sure yours is compelling enough for them to read. Be concise in your pitch, and be sure you provide appropriate context when necessary. You want to give the journalist everything they need to write a great piece about your business. It’s important to remember that you are pitching the writer, not the other way around. A bonus tip while crafting a pitch is to use common email phrases that generate higher response rates.

5. Keep your pitches relevant

Like with any form of business, there is one golden rule that you’ll find is applicable in most cases: Always keep your target market in mind. You need to know who you’re trying to reach before determining the best way to talk with them. If you pitch a technology blog, but they’re more interested in food and lifestyle trends, your pitch will probably fall on deaf ears.

6. Send follow-up emails

No matter how well you’ve prepared, there’s no guarantee that your press release will be read by the right people. Once the story has been published, send a follow-up email to thank everyone who worked on it and show appreciation for their work. It’s also important to give journalists constructive criticism. If you see an error or omission, point it out to the journalist in a friendly way. This will let them know that you’re paying attention and have an interest in their work.

7. Build relationships with journalists and influencers

As a new entrepreneur, it might seem hard to get noticed by journalists at first. You can make sure that you get their attention by developing professional relationships with people in the press. These Influencers and ambassadors can help you promote your products and services. When you’re starting out, it’s crucial to be persistent in your attempts to reach out to journalists.

Speaking at conferences is another good way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Journalists often cover events like these, so it’s an excellent opportunity to meet some folks who could be valuable connections in the future.

8. Keep up with the industry you’re trying to be influential in

Keep up with what other people are saying about your industry so you can demonstrate a deeper understanding of the topic. Try to build relationships with influencers in your field, and pay attention when they publish new content or share material from other sources on social media. Journalists look to influencers for a fresh perspective on a topic, so it can be helpful to have your voice in the mix.

9. Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry

If you’re just starting out, it can be hard to get your name into the eyes of journalists. One way to do that is by becoming an industry thought leader. Op-ed pieces are an excellent opportunity for you to share your point of view on something important in business today. Local papers are more likely than national outlets to accept an op-ed piece for publication, and smaller papers can help you build your reputation in your community.

10. Don’t ignore social media

If you’re a new entrepreneur, you probably have a Facebook page and Twitter profile already. Great! Social media is one of the best ways to establish yourself as an expert in your field. It can be a great tool to get your company’s name out there.

To get the most out of social media, you’ll need to do a little research. Look at other companies in your industry and see who they’re following on Facebook and Twitter. Analytics tools can help you measure how much traffic your social media profiles drive to your website, which can be an excellent way to prove your company’s credibility.

11. Post share-worthy content

Be sure to keep your content fresh and original. There are too many companies out there worried about capturing people’s attention, so making sure you have something no one else does is the best way to get yourself ahead of the game. Write blog posts or record videos regularly, but don’t forget that it all comes down to quality. If your content is worth sharing, people will find ways to do it. Also, ensure that your content ranks on search engines.

12. Reuse great content in various formats

Content is vital for your business communication and  building up credibility as an expert in your field. So once you’ve published a great article on your blog, consider reusing some of the content to form the basis of an email newsletter or even a press release. Repurposing content can be a great way to maximize the value of your original ideas.

13. Consider outsourcing your PR efforts

If you’ve got a brand-new business and don’t know where or how to start, consider hiring an agency with public relations experience. This is especially true if you’re just getting started and your name isn’t widely known. A PR agency can help get the word out about your business in a cost-effective way, so it might be worth hiring an expert if you don’t have a strong background in PR yourself.

If you’ve spent some time working for a big company or running a side business, you probably have a good idea of how PR works. And as an entrepreneur, it’s helpful to be knowledgeable about the ins and outs of media relations.

Final thoughts

It’s never too early to start thinking about PR. Great PR campaigns take time and patience to develop, but the results will speak for themselves when you do it right. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and you’ll need to be prepared for some ups and downs along the way. Whether you’re promoting your brand by creating a blog or a video, if your content is good, people will find it. All you have to do is keep making intelligent choices, and soon enough, you’ll be recognized as a thought leader in your industry.

Amrapali Rai

Amrapali Rai

Amrapali Rai is a SaaS marketing consultant helping SaaS brands grow their revenue with SEO and inbound marketing at SaaS-y SEO.