Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News Media

Associated Press: Anna Jo Bratton (@annajobratton) has been appointed U.S. Enterprise Editor on the global enterprise team.

Los Angeles Times: Seema Mehta (@latseema) is now covering state politics and statewide races, in coordination with the Sacramento bureau.

New York Times: J. David Goodman (@jdavidgoodman) has been appointed Houston Bureau Chief.

Reuters News: Alessandra Galloni (@aagalloni) has been named Editor-in-Chief.

Washington Post: Sophie Ho (@sophanho) has been promoted to Assignment Editor (news analytics). Tik Root (@TikRoot) has joined as Climate and Environment Reporter.

Washington Post: Jennifer Barrios (@barrioscq) is now Local Government & Politics Editor.


Bloomberg Surveillance: Max Ramsay (@maxramsay) has joined as Associate Producer.

CityNews (Calgary): Jonathan Muma (@jonmuma) now leads the team as Supervising Producer.

CBC Sports: The following have been announced as Hosts for the Olympics coverage: Scott Russell (@CBCScottRussell) – Olympic Games Primetime; Heather Hiscox (@cbchh) – Olympic Games Overnight; Andi Petrillo (@AndiPetrillo) – Olympic Games Mornings; Perdita Felicien (@perditafelicien) and Andrew Chang (@CBCOlympics) – Tokyo Today.

NPR Andrea Hsu (@andrea_c_hsu) is NPR’s new Labour and Workplace Correspondent.

Business and Commerce

Bloomberg News: Jill Shah (@jillrshah) has been appointed Reporter.

Forbes Advisor: Rachel Witkowski (@rachelwitkowski) has joined as Assistant Editor.

Remote Report: Executive Editor Stephen Taylor (@ReportRemote) is point of contact for the Remote Report which covers news and insights on the business of remote working. Michael Bodley (@michael_bodley) has joined and will cover crypto coverage. He is also editorial lead for its Crypto Investor newsletter.

Consumer Lifestyle

New York Magazine: Joy Shan (@joyshan513) has joined as Features Editor.

Teen Vogue: Danielle Kwateng (@danikwateng) has been promoted to Executive Editor.


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News Media (National)

Business Post, The: Lorcan Allen (@LorcanAllen) has been named Business Editor.

Daily Express: Natalie Chui (@Daily_Express) has been appointed Lifestyle Writer.

Mail Online: Dan Wootton (@danwootton) has joined as a Columnist.

News Media (Regional)

Courier, The: Alan Temple (@alanftemple) has been named Sports Reporter.

Metro: Billie Schwab Dunn (@billie_sd) has been appointed TV Reporter.

Scottish Sun, The: Gill Smooth (@ScottishSun) has been appointed Editor.

Business and Commerce

Business Insider UK: Sirena Bergman (@sirenabergman) has been appointed Digital Culture Editor.

Economist, The: Vinjeru Mkandwire (@vinjerum) has been named Global Property Correspondent.

Green Retail World: Freelance business journalist Ben Sillitoe (@BSillitoe) is Editor of the recently launched online title, which tracks greener retailing practices and provides a forum for debate around the retail industry’s sustainability agenda.

Consumer Lifestyle

ELLE UK: Katie Frost (@elleuk) has been named Luxury Content Lead.

Grazia: Lee Brown (@graziauk) has been appointed Acting International Fashion Director.

MindJournal: Luke Todd (@luketodduk) has been named Content & Creative Lead.

Prima: Alice Howarth (@alicejrhowarth) has been appointed Acting Digital Editor. Carla Zuill (@carlazuill) has been named Editor.

World Moves

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Asia, Middle East & Africa

WatchTime India: Preetika Mathew (@cellulording) has joined as Editor.

Eastern Europe

Kurier Lubelski: Wojciech Pokora (@wojtek_pokora) has been appointed Editor-in-Chief.

Western Europe

ARD-aktuell / Tagesschau (NDR): Linda Zervakis (@lindazervakis) is leaving after eight years as a presenter on the 8 o’clock news bulletin.

Bild Zeitung: Daniel Hähle (@danielhaehle) has been promoted to Head of News, replacing Julia Höpfner (@hoepfner_julia) who has become Co-Editor-in-Chief of Bild am Sonntag.


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