Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

New York Times Metro: Johanna Barr (@johannabarr) has joined as Senior Editor for news and planning.

New York Times Opinion: Alexandra Sifferlin (@acsifferlin) has been appointed Health and Science Editor.

ProPublica: Jenny Deam (@jenny_deam) has been appointed Reporter, covering healthcare.

USA Today: Michelle Maltais (@mmaltaisLA) has been named Managing Editor (Consumer News).

Washington Post: Fernanda Santos (@byfernandas) and Bill Whalen (@billwhalenCA) have joined the Opinions section as Contributing Columnists.


Global News: Anne Gaviola (@AnneGaviola) has been appointed Senior Digital Broadcast Journalist. She will anchor a daily business news show from March 1.

Business and Commerce

Coindesk TV: has launched. It is available on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Executive Producer Joanne Po (@joannepo) will oversee CoinDesk TV’s rollout.

Forbes Advisor: Sarah Berger (@sarahelizberger) has been named Assistant Assigning Editor.

Silicon Valley Business Journal: Ryan Fernandez (@SVBizRyanF) is now Assistant Managing Editor.

Politics, Government and Education

Hill, The: Thomas Moore (@thdomo) has joined and will cover the intersection of politics and the media.

Law360: Elise Hansen (@elise_hansen7) has been promoted to Senior Reporter, covering financial technology.


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News and Media (National)

Daily Express: Mared Parry (@maredparry) has been appointed Digital Reporter.

Daily Telegraph: Abigail Buchanan (@abigailbuchn) has been named Digital Lifestyle Reporter.

Mirror Online: Kirsty McCormack (@kirstymccormack) has been appointed Senior TV Reporter.

New European, The: Jono Read (@jonoread) has been appointed Digital Editor.

News and Media (Regional)

Dundalk Democrat: Michelle O’Keeffe (@dundalkdemocrat) has been named Managing Editor.

Eastern Daily Press: Ben Hardy (@bahardy45) has been appointed Reporter.

Stratford-upon-Avon Herald: Andy Veale (@andyvealesh) has been appointed Editor.

Business and Commerce

Real Deals: Jennifer Forest (@jen4rest) has been appointed Junior Reporter.

Consumer Lifestyle

Country Life: Annunciate Elwes (@annunciatajbwe) has returned from leave.

Decanter: Chris Maillard (@cjmaill) has been named Editor-in-Chief.

Freelancer: Alice Mackintosh ( is available for commissions. She covers beauty and nutrition.

PinkNews: Maggie Baska (@maggiebaska) has been appointed Reporter.

Real Homes Magazine: Millie Fender (@fender_mk) has been named Ecommerce Editor.

Healthcare and Medicine

Inform: Richard Jones (@rickyyyjones) has been named Editor.


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