Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

Breakingviews: Lauren Silva Laughlin (@Breakingviews) returns as Global Deals Editor.

Charlotte Observer, The: Austin Weinstein (@austwein) has joined as Banking Reporter.

Gazette, The: Evan Wyloge (@EvanWyloge) has joined the investigative team.

New York Times, The: Karan Deep Singh (@karan_singhs) has been appointed Reporter, covering business and technology in Delhi.

Texas Tribune: Emily Ramshaw (@TexasTribune) is leaving to launch a new national non-profit news organisation for women.

Wall Street Journal, The: Laura Kusisto (@LauraKusisto) is now covering national legal affairs For the title.

Wall Street Journal, The: Christine Mai-Duc (@cmaiduc) has joined the team, working in the LA bureau. She will cover housing, state politics and the economy.

Wall Street Journal, The: Kateri Jochum (@katerijochum) has been named Executive Producer (Audio), overseeing existing news, tech and science podcasts.

Business and Commerce

Business Insider: Martin Coulter (@martinjbcoulter) has been hired as Tech Reporter.

D CEO: Bianca Montes (@reporterbianca) has joined as Senior Editor, overseeing commercial real estate coverage.

Dealbreaker: Jon Shazar (@dealbreaker) has been named Editor.

Fast Company: Benjamin Landy (@ben_landy) has been appointed Executive Editor, Digital.

Worcester Business Journal: Thomas Grillo (@wbjournal) has joined as a Staff Writer.

Healthcare and Medicine

STAT: Erin Brodwin (@erbrod) has been appointed Health-Tech Reporter, covering the health-tech ambitions of Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.

Politics, Government and Education

Law 360: Stephen Cooper (@Law360) has joined as Senior Tax Correspondent, with a focus on Congressional tax policy.


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News and Media (National)

Daily Star Online: Berny Torre (@berny_torre) has been appointed News Reporter.

Independent, The: Sophie Gallagher (@scfgallagher) has been appointed Deputy Lifestyle Editor.

News and Media (Regional)

Bromley News Shopper: Lachlan Leeming (@LeemingLachie) has been appointed Local Democracy Reporter across the News Shopper series and BBC London.

Irish Examiner, The: Neil Michael (@anewshack) has been named Reporter.

Metro: Eleanor Lees (@eleanorrjl) has been appointed Social Media Producer.


Bustle UK: Sam Rogers (@samcrogers) has been appointed Executive Editor.

ITV News: Alex Cherrie (@cherrie_alex) has been named Health & Science Producer.

RTE News: Fiachra O’Cionnaith (@Ocionnaith) has been appointed Reporter.

Sky News: Carl McQueen (@carlsmcqueen) has been appointed Interviews Editor.

Business and Commerce

Freelancer: Rudi Abdallah (@rudiabdallah) is available for commissions. He covers mental health, politics and culture.

Grocer, The: Abbie Dawson (@abbiedwsn) has been appointed Food & Drink Reporter.

IPE Investment & Pensions Europe: Venilia Batista Amorim (@ipenews) has been named Online Editor.

Consumer Lifestyle

Cumbria Magazine: Jon Stokoe (@jonstokoe) has been named Editor.

Freelancer: Bre Graham (@breaudreygraham) is available for commissions.

Hello! Fashion Monthly: Clare Pennington (@hellofashion_uk) has been appointed Picture Editor.

Technology and Telecoms

WIRED: Natasha Bernal (@TashaBernal) has been named Business Editor.

Travel, Transport and Logistics

National Geographic Traveller: Amelia Duggan (@NatGeoUK) has been named Acting Deputy Editor.


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