Marketing News & Trends
10 ways to improve your corporate marketing strategies

10 ways to improve your corporate marketing strategies

Corporate marketing plays a key role in establishing and strengthening your brand's presence. It focuses on promoting your company’s overall identity, which helps shape perceptions and build long-term trust.  In this blog, we’ll explore ten practical strategies to...

Comms tools: Best WordPress booking plugins options in 2024

Comms tools: Best WordPress booking plugins options in 2024

Are you currently using or considering an appointment booking system for your WordPress website?    For service business owners, a key goal is to streamline the routine tasks involved in managing an appointment-based business. In 2024, with a wide array of tools and...

6 psychology tips to upgrade your pitch emails

6 psychology tips to upgrade your pitch emails

PR prospects are people too and understanding a bit of psychology can help you understand how their brains make decisions. Understanding how the human brain works can help your outreach team make appealing, interesting and engaging pitches. Leveraging psychology...

10 of the best YouTube tools for marketers and brands

10 of the best YouTube tools for marketers and brands

YouTube is one of the most powerful marketing channels to reach a global audience. The platform has over 2.5 billion monthly active users. Of this, 2.07 billion are over 18 years. These users spend about 19 minutes a day on YouTube. That’s 19 minutes you get to win...