Imagine your brand just became embroiled in a massive crisis. One tweet, one interview, one product fail—and poof, everything’s on fire. The phones are ringing, emails are pouring in, and the pressure is on. Back in the day, you’d have a team of PR folks racing into...
Crisis Comms & Media Monitoring
Crisis management in the age of cancel culture—4 new rules of accountability
In today’s hyper-connected world, where a single tweet can spark a global firestorm, crisis management has become more complex than ever. The rise of cancel culture—a phenomenon where individuals or organizations are publicly called out and boycotted for perceived...
6 ways to protect your law firm from a PR crisis
Time and again, we all have seen consumers highlighting the negative side of a client or company. While this can happen with any brand, such thoughts or reviews affect law firms most severely. If a lawyer is representing a controversial client, the company may...