The big day has finally arrived. After rearranging schedules, sweating out interviews or writing deadlines, and walking the line between “persistent” and “pest,” your PR placement has seen the light of day. Huzzah! (I am bound and determined to bring back “huzzah” as...

Ken Krause is a Senior Account and Content Director at Amendola Communications in Scottsdale, Arizona.
So your client wants to be in The Wall Street Journal…
Most PR professionals have had this happen to them at one point or another. You’re in a meeting with top client/company executives, and to gain some insights into their thinking you ask them, “What would be a home run for the PR program?” The answer comes back, “A...
Media relations mentoring—6 common interview mistakes to avoid
While it is often a satisfying and rewarding career, sometimes public relations can be like river dancing through a mine field. Unlike marketing, where you have the ability to manage every aspect of the process, in PR there are a lot of variables over which you have...