Call it the little startup that could: SourceRise, a two-person website that’s only a year old, surprised even its founder when it recently nabbed The Global Editors Network’s best media startup prize. Based in New York, SourceRise acts as a matchmaker for journalists...

Twitter’s “Moments” is only months away—how is your business strategizing?
As Twitter says goodbye to its CEO, it’s preparing to make one of its boldest moves yet. The platform is gearing up for “Moments” (formerly dubbed ‘Project Lightning’): a code-named, experimental feature that puts a curated spin on live news. This fall, users will...
‘The challenge’: the new gold standard in charitable campaign marketing
When the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ran like wildfire through social media, it revolutionized the way charities thought about advertising. Countless Facebook mentions and $115 million in donations later, it showed non-profits there were alternatives to the marketing...
Jurassic World smashes records: did social media give us clues to its success?
Before investing time and money in a movie, many of us consult Rotten Tomatoes or online reviews–but other ways of measuring mass appeal are emerging. While MediaMiser’s platform is frequently used to monitor news coverage for companies, once in a while we throw it...
‘Shockvertising’: measuring its media value
Long a tenet of effective advertising, emotional appeals are a go-to technique for cutting through noise. But perhaps nothing resounds so stridently as “shockvertising” — a tactic that toys with the psyche on very different terms. Play it right and you go viral. Play...
What Pinterest’s ‘manhunt’ means for your business
When it first hit the scene, Pinterest quickly developed a rep for being a man-repelling wasteland of aspirational “I Do” boards and gaudy nail art. Yes, there were legitimate reasons for guys to be afraid. But Pinterest is working diligently to become more inviting...
Why your business should stop ignoring Tumblr
Traffic more than doubles since Q4 2014 The platform that describes itself as “easy to use and hard to explain” is no longer just the domain of angsty teenagers and fandom, according to a recent report from a leading web company. The sometimes-dismissed Tumblr — which...
CAA’s Ontario’s Worst Roads: GTA, Timmins drive record participation
When complaining to coworkers about your commute, the latest data from CAA’s Ontario’s Worst Roads campaign may give you more cred—and mitigate any soul searching that stems from Jekyll and Hyde fits of road rage. For the second year in a row, MediaMiser partnered...
Deflategate: A Case of Poorly Played Crisis Management
They’re calling it “the biggest non-domestic violence, non-murder accusation PR disaster an NFL team has faced in a very long time.” While the press is having a field day with the fallout from Deflategate, brands are happily lining up take the metaphorical kick. Fully...
State of the News Media: Podcasting on the rise, while cable news has another rough year
The new year brought us fresh stats on how we’re getting our news, and it seems— perhaps to nobody’s surprise—that mobile will reign supreme in 2015. Thirty-nine of the top 50 digital news websites now receive more traffic from mobile devices than desktop computers,...