On Monday, The World Health Organization (WHO) released a bombshell report that put processed meat in the same cancer-causing category as smoking and asbestos. Bacon-lovers read with heavy hearts as the WHO's cancer research unit officially classified processed meat...

Public speaking: 3 sure-fire nerve busters to help get over your anxiety
The following is the second of a two-part MediaMiser series on public speaking. For the first post on tips for writing a great speech, click here. Anxiety about public speaking—dubbed “speech anxiety”, or “glossophobia”—is considered one of the most prevalent phobias...
Newsjacking: How to hit the bullseye, even if you’re coming in green
Newsjacking, also known as real-time marketing, is the not-so-subtle art of “injecting your ideas into a breaking news story...in order to generate media coverage for yourself or your brand”. Although it wasn’t the first, perhaps the most memorable instance of...
The power of association: Protecting your reputation when partners go astray
In the midst of the Volkswagen scandal—in which VW was caught installing software on diesel cars that allowed them to trick U.S. emissions tests—companies are reportedly putting the brakes on potential partnership deals with the automaker. Rumors have been circulating...
Rebranding: Consult the pros and think strategically to avoid pitfalls
Revitalize, revamp, rebrand…whatever you call it, at some point your company’s public face may need an update. If your organization is undergoing or about to undergo change—perhaps a merger, repositioning in the market or just suffering from an outdated image—a few...
The PR campaign: Getting it right
“When you know better, you do better.” Maya Angelou’s powerful advice rings true for any PR professional who has watched their big campaign tank. When late hours and big bucks add up to a whole lot of nothing, it’s easy to get discouraged. But the truth is,...
Twitter hits ‘delete’ on network that archives politicians’ deleted tweets
Early last week, news broke that Twitter shut down a network of 30 sites devoted to publishing deleted tweets from politicians around the world. The sites — collectively known as Politwoops — were managed by the Open State Foundation (OSF), which stated that Twitter...
McFlop? Nope—Burger King’s snubbed PR stunt still kinda worked
When Burger King ran a series of full-page ads in the The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune proposing that McDonald’s team up with them on Peace Day for the “McWhopper”, its playful offering of the olive branch didn’t go so well. Would you like peace with that?...
The key elements of a press kit
If you’re a business owner, you know getting media attention can be a struggle — once reporters bite, you’ve got to make it easy for them to give you coverage. If you want to be featured in the press, you have to give media the tools. The press kit is designed to make...
What makes a good media interview?
In business, when success comes knocking, so do the reporters. Speaking to the media is an art, and even the most seasoned executives have turned simple interviews into corporate nightmares. The truth is there’s no such thing as a casual interview—but the best...
Don’t be like Trump: Stay out of Twitter flame wars, for your own good
Ah, 2015: a time in which reality stars can #breaktheinternet and bid for presidency. In a modern day tarring and feathering, Donald Trump’s Twitter duel with Modern Family writer Danny Zuker has recently resurfaced and gone viral. …that’s pretty much what happens...
The Pan Am Games: social weighs in
The Pan Am Games: social weighs in It’s been a rough road for the Pan Am Games and they’ve yet to begin. During its six years of preparation, the event has been plagued by public condemnation over the expenses execs charged to taxpayers, their $7 million in bonuses,...