No PR campaign is an island. Each and every one needs media intelligence to exist, and good media intelligence to succeed. For example, it’s nice to know which influencers can amplify your client’s message, but it’s better to be able to follow that message throughout...

Calling a journalist? Don’t be annoying
"They’re the bane of my existence." "I absolutely hate them." "They drive me insane." These are a few of the actual comments I’ve heard from journalists about that all-too-common PR tactic, the phone call. Among journalists’ biggest PR pet peeves, 52 per cent say cold...
Beats vs. areas of interest: how to catch a journalist’s attention
If you’re seeking journalists to pitch your ideas to and relying strictly on the beat system to find them, you’re limiting your range. All too often, an influencer's other areas of interest are disregarded, to the detriment of public relations. I once interviewed the...
PR Best Practices: 5 Ways to Communicate Smarter in 2017
By Mark Simon, Managing Director of North American and Toluna Digital, Toluna PR professionals are continually tasked with creating dynamic and creative strategies to engage with their target audiences in rapidly changing environments. To address this challenge, PR...
Build vs. buy: the ultimate media database question
Back in November I had the pleasure of attending the FIBEP World Media Intelligence Congress in Washington, DC. Spending three days surrounded by some of the smartest people in the media intelligence (MI) field can be incredibly overwhelming -- and rewarding. One...
The evolution of the media database
Over the last several years, metrics around media contact databases have gone from an evaluation based solely on volume to one surrounding accuracy. As any PR professional who has been in the industry long enough remembers, printed guides used to be the go-to tools...
“Air” conditioning: Human-interest and visual angles are keys to pitching TV
When I interview print or online journalists about their editorial coverage and PR preferences, their answers are all over the map. Sure, they all want PR pros to target pitches more carefully, and most list email as their preferred method of communication. Beyond...
9 factors that help define news value for journalists
What makes a story worthy of coverage, either as news or as a feature? Some developments are so big that we can all agree they belong on the front page—the Flint water crisis, problems with the Obamacare website, etc. Others exist on the margins, depending on a writer...
Pitching tips: 3 things you’ll never know about journalists just by reading their work
Sometimes, when I try to interview a journalist about their preferences for dealing with PR people, they boil it down to two simple pieces of advice—"Know what I cover and read my stories." That, and maybe, "Send me an email." Usually, it means they’re pressed for...
Newsroom remodeling: Avoid the common pitfalls of online press sections
Given all the challenges in reaching out to journalists, it’s surprising how many organizations fall short when it comes to setting up their online newsrooms. If the journalist is coming to you, they shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to get the information they’re...
PR relevancy: Don’t overstretch when tying clients to trends
Journalists often speak of their interest in covering trends, and tying your clients to larger issues in the news can be a fruitful tactic. This was probably the thinking when I received a press release about a Pennsylvania hospital’s efforts to "go green." Normally,...
Find new avenues to coverage by forging better relationships with freelancers
Freelance writers provide an often-untapped opportunity to get coverage on websites and in a wide range of print media. But pitching them poses unique challenges—and based on my conversations with freelancers, this is a point that many PR pros seem to overlook. Some...