It has been an exciting and action-packed couple of months for video game fans after a long, dry summer, with several high-profile releases in November and December including Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Fallout 4.

This is the time of year many game publishers covet, after all, as they attempt to move as many units of each much-hyped release as possible before the advent of the inevitable post-holiday shopping hangover.

Many publishers also actively encourage users to engage socially while playing these games, often by social sharing of gameplay by tweeting screenshots or linking to YouTube video clips.

So which titles are getting the most action on Twitter?

MediaMiser analyzed some of the hottest titles released in the last two months to see which ones rated highest among user mentions, both overall and during the past seven days.

Among November releases, our overall analysis shows Black Ops III (released Nov. 3) has received the most mentions per day (driven in large part by extremely strong release date chatter on Nov. 6 and 7).


Maybe a bit surprisingly, EA’s much-hyped Star Wars Battlefront title hasn’t had nearly the same amount of chatter as the other top November titles (Battlefront has also had relatively negative reviews, which could have something to do with it).

But it’s not only about starting strong — stamina is also important, and when only the past seven days of tweets are analyzed, Bethesda’s Fallout 4 (released Nov. 10) seems to have had more staying power than the latest COD release. It’s had more than 50 per cent share of voice of the top three titles this past week.

Indeed, the big loser from the past seven days appears to be Black Ops III, as both Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront (released Nov. 17) have risen in comparison:


Battlefront’s rise no doubt has been buoyed by the upcoming “Battle of Jakku” expansion set for release tomorrow.

Finally, while we’re only one week into December, two notable releases this month are Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six: Siege and Square Enix’s Just Cause 3 (both came out on Dec. 1).

So far, Just Cause 3 is destroying Rainbow Six on Twitter:


There’s still lots of time until the holiday shopping craze dies down, however, and we’ll check in to the numbers again as December gets a little older.

Jim Donnelly

Jim Donnelly

Jim Donnelly graduated with a BA in History/English from Wilfrid Laurier University and a MJ from Carleton University. Jim heads Agility PR Solutions’ Media Insights Group which oversees the production of public and client media analysis reports and infographics. Jim was previously editor of the Ottawa Business Journal and related publications such as Ottawa Technology Magazine and Meeting in the Capital.