Brand-News-Team, a digital communications and public relations firm, has been granted authorization to fly a drone in federally controlled airspace in multiple locations around the state of New York.

Brand-News-Team applied for permission from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly within sections of airspace located within five-miles of airports near Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, Capitol Region, Hudson Valley, Long Island and New York City, according the company.

“This opens the door to legally fly in so many more locations including within controlled airspace located within five-miles of airports around the state like John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia. We aren’t going to interfere at all with manned air traffic as the parameters of the drone flights pre-determined by the F-A-A through a process that mitigates risks,” said Brand-News-Team President Roger Rosenbaum, who is a licensed drone pilot.

Digital PR Firm Brand-News-Team Cleared for Drone Flights in Locations Around New York State

The company uses the airspace access to assist clients with visual branding and aerial storytelling with high-dynamic range photographs and 4K-quality video. “We see the uses for advertising, marketing, construction, tourism and real estate. We can even go live from a drone to Facebook or YouTube,” said Rosenbaum, who is an Emmy- nominated and Associated Press award-winning photojournalist.

Gaining the permission was a months-long process that involved filing individual requests on the F-A-A’s online portal. Brand-News-Team is covered by commercial aviation drone insurance. “We take safety very seriously when sharing the national airspace. Our clients require that and it allows us to capture breathtaking content for many uses. Our business is really starting to take off,” said Rosenbaum.