Do you have gaming clients looking to make money from developing a new game? If you have a fantastic game idea that you think the gaming population is going to enjoy, there are plenty of great reasons to take the plunge.

Video gaming is becoming more and more popular and there is an increasing number of platforms where your game could be played, including consoles like the Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, to PC and even mobile gaming. If you want your new game to make an impact, here are some worthwhile marketing strategies to consider.

Work with influencers

Influencers have become some of the most powerful tools in marketing today. Whether they are YouTubers, Twitch streamers or gaming Instagrammers, working with people who have a large online following and are known for promoting great games can seriously help to get your game off the ground and into the mainstream quickly. A lot of viral games in the past have been promoted by the top social media influencers, so why not reach out to some of your favorite online personalities in the gaming industries and ask them to try your game out?

Build an online presence

From casino games like all slots Canada to first-person shooter games for consoles, every successful game needs an online presence today. Start by building a website for your game where players can learn more about it and buy digital or physical copies if you offer them. But bear in mind that a website alone isn’t enough—getting on social media will help you promote your game even further and make it easier for you to get feedback from players, so you know what to improve in future versions. Reddit is a great option for game developers since you can start discussions about the game and get useful feedback straight from the players.

Create video content

It’s going to be difficult to get your game’s target audience interested in playing if they aren’t sure what to expect from the gameplay. Thankfully, it’s easier than ever to use a capture card to record yourself playing the game on PC or console today. Creating video content of the gameplay allows potential new players to seriously immerse themselves in the game and provides them with a clear idea of what to expect. As a result, they’re more likely to consider purchasing it.

Ask for reviews

Finally, asking for reviews from people who have played your game can be a good way to increase its reach and encourage others to buy and download the game. You can ask players to leave reviews on general sites like Google or Facebook, or send them to gaming-specific sites that exist purely for gamers to review the latest titles that they have tried. Positive reviews will encourage more people to purchase your game, while you can use negative reviews to find out more about what players want and improve their experience.

Gaming is becoming an increasingly popular pastime. Marketing is key for any game developer who wants to build a strong audience and bring a successful game to the market.

James Daniels

James Daniels

James Daniels is a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest gadgets and tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.