Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News Media

New York Times: Alexandra Leigh Young (@nytimes) has been promoted to Deputy Producer of The Daily section. Paige Cowett (@pcowett) has been promoted to Deputy Editor of this section.

New York Times: Choire Sicha (@Choire) has been named Senior Editor, Styles.

Washington Post: Claire Parker (@claireparkerdc) has been named Editor of Today’s Worldview.

Washington Post: Sara Sorcher (@sarasorcher) has been appointed London Hub Editor.


93.1 The One: Al Stafford (@AlStafford49) has been named News Director.

980 CKNW / Global News (BC): John Streit (@johnrstreit) has been appointed Anchor/Reporter.

CITI Winnipeg: Mark McKenzie (@themarkmckenzie) has joined 92.1 CITI on the afternoon slot.

CNBC Asia: Emily Chan (@EmilyCNBC) is now Senior Correspondent at the Hong Kong bureau.

Country 107.1: Chris Wiggins (@ChrisWiggins_) has joined Jessica Banks on the Country 107.1 (CKQC-FM) morning show in Abbotsford, BC.

Global News: Jamie Mauracher (@JamieMauracher) is now Global News Health Journalist.

Now on Narcity: Narcity Media (@narcitymedia) has announced the expansion of its digital offerings with a new weekly news and culture podcast: Now on Narcity. It is hosted by Brit Burr, Tyeler Bollenberghe, Cormac O’Brien and Lea Sabbah.

Q104FM: Gillian Foote (@GillianFoote) joins the Q Radio Network morning show, BJ & The Q Morning Crew, in June.

Business and Commerce

Axios: Tina Reed (@TreedinDC) has been hired as Healthcare Editor.

Financial Times: Gary Silverman (@GaryRSilverman) has been named U.S. Financial Editor. Catey Hill (@CateyHill) has returned as Commerce Editor.


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News Media (National)

Daily Express: Hannah Britt (@mouldycake) has returned from leave, to take on a new role as Associate Head of Content (Advanced Features) across the Daily Express, Daily Mirror and Daily Star.

News Media (Regional)

Donegal News, The: Emma Ryan (@EmmaRyan05) has joined as a Journalist.

Reach Ireland: Zoe Watson (@farojd) has been appointed Group Picture Editor across Reach Ireland titles.

Spalding Guardian: Andrew Brookes (@spaldingandrewb) has been named Senior Reporter.

Stornoway Gazette: Murray Macleod (@Sygazette) has been appointed Editor. Brian Wilson has been named Editor-at-Large.


ITV News: Matt Williams (@matt_itvnews) has been named Executive Digital Editor.

Business and Commerce

Economist, The: Ọrẹ Ogunbiyi (@OreOgunb) has been appointed Reporter.

Consumer Lifestyle

Attitude Magazine: Sacha Dance (@AttitudeMag) has been appointed Fashion Assistant.

Good Housekeeping: Melanie Giandzi (@mgiandzi) has joined as a Food Tester & Writer. Angela Trofymova (@ghmagazine) has been appointed Food and Drink Testing Manager. Callum Black has been named Senior Food and Drink Editor.

Hello:! Laura Sutcliffe (@laurastylesitup) has been named Fashion and Beauty Editor.

OK:! Rachel McGrath (@RachelMcGrath) has been appointed Deputy Digital Director.

Stylist: Naomi May (@_naomimay) has been appointed Digital Fashion Writer.

Sports and Leisure Danielle Partis (@daniellepartis) has been appointed News Editor.

World Moves

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Eastern Europe

Gazeta Prawna: Bartek Goduslawski (@bgoduslawski) has returned to the title as a Journalist.

Western Europe

Bild Zeitung: Georg Altrogge (@georgaltrogge) has been named Chief Media Correspondent.

FOCUS: Thomas Tuma (@thomastuma) has been appointed Head Writer.


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