If you’ve looked at or used a media database in the past, you might think if I’ve seen one, I’ve seen them all. But when you dig deeper, you’ll come to know that not all media databases are created equal. The database you choose will have functional nuances that might...
The 5 Most Common Problems with Media Databases (and How to Solve Them)
Media databases are powerful tools. They quickly provide PR practitioners access to journalists from across a wide breadth of industries and outlets, and within a variety of roles (reporters, editors, and producers to name a few). Most databases also offer an easy way...
5 influencer resources that could change everything
Influencer marketing is a big and powerful beast. These 5 influencer resources will help you wrangle it. Jay Baer's agency has found that businesses generate $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing. But the value of influencers doesn't end at marketing; it...
Choosing a database vendor? 10 questions to ask first
When it comes to choosing a database vendor, know this: not all are created equal, and it pays to do your homework. Like, it literally pays. *Damn that auto-renew clause!* Here are 10 questions you need to ask when choosing a database vendor: How many unique...
4 ways to get micro-influencers working for you
The science is in and the word is out: micro-influencers are better brand boosters than their millionaire-follower peers. The main reason is that micro-influencers (we'll call them MIs) have quality social relationships — there's a genuineness about them and their...
Micro-influencers are the future of your brand
Who’s the most influential person on Twitter? Well it’s not the account with the most followers. But you’d be forgiven for assuming so; the person with the biggest microphone is usually the loudest. But the conception that the most influential social media users are...
News outlets are brands too – pitch accordingly
News outlets need to distinguish themselves from their competition. Just like any other brand in any other space, they need to cultivate a unique identity. With outlets trying desperately to stay afloat in this brave new media world, faithfulness to a strong and...
4 ways to help yourself by helping journalists
The notion of give-and-take is a key element of any successful professional relationship, and the relationship between PR professionals and journalists is no different. If you want to help your own PR efforts, start by helping journalists do their job. From how the PR...
Show, don’t tell: how to pitch experts to journalists
Last December, I spoke to the editors of Tonic, VICE Media's new health channel for Millennials. As I often do when interviewing journalists, I asked about being pitched the opportunity to talk to an expert. One of the editors offered a typical reply. “I tend to get...
3 ways to increase influencer engagement through brand awareness
A successful call-to-action campaign depends less on the sweetness of the deal than it does on the familiarity of the brand. The same can be said for influencer engagement when targeting journalists and/or media outlets. Journalists and other influencers tend to...
More than just PR: A holistic approach to media monitoring
Though media monitoring and analysis has traditionally been used for public relations purposes, there are many ways that other departments can leverage the system. This multidisciplinary approach to the practice allows businesses to receive a higher ROI from their...
4 tips to build a targeted media outreach list from scratch
When you've been promoting the same message for any length of time, you get to know the key influencers on the topic. Once you've created your media outreach list, all that's left is maintenance; you just need to keep the information up to date, and stay on top of new...