If you run a tech company, then odds are you’ve considered whether you need to invest in professional PR. How is your marketing strategy? Could your company be more popular? The truth is that a lot of companies, especially tech giants, need a good PR team. You may have a great product and a great business culture but at the end of the day, you may not have the necessary following. Here are a few PR strategies that every tech company should utilize:
Create your narrative
Every company has a narrative. Why was the company founded? Who founded it and what purpose was behind it? Often, stories of a business rising from the ground up are great stories that a lot of people want to hear. Media outlets will run with it and people are more likely to pay attention to your success story. Try to think about what your company does differently from other companies. How do you stand up against the competition? Do you fill a hole in the market? Consider creating a blog post that covers the founding of the company and any questions that you would want to know about a company.
Have correct numbers
When it comes to talking about the numbers, make sure that you don’t have any errors. It can be a PR disaster if you announce your numbers and a fact checker is able to point out your errors. Your company’s internal data is a great asset. You can discuss your growth statistics, your business impact and more. The better your stats, the more likely media outlets are going to take your company seriously. While you don’t want to lie about your numbers, you should share the good ones.
Utilize social media
When it comes to PR, social media can be a business’s best tool. If you’re working in the tech industry, it is crucial that you look tech savvy. Of all of the different types of companies, a tech giant needs to have a social media presence. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms are a great place to start. Your employees and supports also have their own social networks and they will help your following grow.
Social media is not only a great place for you to announce upcoming business moves but it is also a place for you to engage with clients, your staff and the public.
Choose the right media contacts
If your company has enough of a presence, then you can expect that other news organizations or journalists may pick up your story. A good PR strategy is to find a journalist that you like. Read through a variety of articles and pick someone who you can picture framing your company in a positive light. Think about tone and reputation. Then, offer your story exclusively to that journalist. If he or she accepts it and if the news gains traction, then other media organizations will also pick up your story.
Streamline your website
Does your business have a website? Nowadays, it is crucial that all companies have an internet presence. As a tech giant, you need to have a modern website. It should be streamlined, easy to navigate and should fit in with your branding. You can use open source code tools like Terraform to help build your infrastructure. Keep in mind that your internet presence is a part of your brand. It needs to be able to paint your company in a positive light and help others understand what your company does and what service it delivers.
No matter the type of business you run, your PR matters. The time that you spend on marketing and publicity will help your company in the long run. Some companies believe that if they have a good product then they are going to also have great PR. After all, don’t products speak for themselves? Unfortunately, they do not always speak for themselves. Good PR strategies can make or break your business.