
Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media

BuzzFeed News: hires Hamed Aleaziz (@Haleaziz) as Immigration Reporter.

New York Times: hires Julian Barnes (@julianbarnes) as a D.C. based reporter covering U.S. intelligence agencies.

San Francisco Chronicle: Benny Evangelista (@chroniclebenny) has left.

Washington Post: hires Jeanne Whalen (@JeanneWhalen) as a Global Business Reporter.


ABC News: Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz have left (@ABC).

Business and Commerce

New Haven Biz: hires Michael Bingham (@NewHavenBiz) as Editor-in-Chief.

North Bay Business Journal: hires Cheryl Sarfaty (@NBBJ) as a Staff Reporter covering healthcare, tourism, education and business insurance.

Uzabase: a Japanese publisher, agrees to acquire Quartz (@qz) from Atlantic Media. Quartz Publisher Jay Lauf and Editor-in-Chief Kevin J. Delaney will become Quartz’s co-CEOs. Quartz will manage U.S. operations of NewsPicks, Uzabase’s business news app.

Healthcare and Medicine

EnsembleIQ: (@EnsembleIQ) acquires Lebhar-Friedman, publisher of Drug Store News, Convenience Store Age and Hardware + Building Supply Dealer. Other EnsembleIQ properties include the Canadian publications Medical Post and Pharmacy Practice+Business.

Inside Washington Publishers: launches Inside Drug Pricing, a subscription newsletter for lobbyists and government affairs executives with an interest in that topic. The Editor is Nicholas Florko (@NicholasFlorko).

Politics, Government and Education

Atlantic, The: hires Todd Purdum as a Staff Writer and California Correspondent. He will cover politics and culture from the magazine’s new L.A. bureau (@TheAtlantic).

Politico: Alex Panetta (@Alex_Panetta) joins as Editor of Politico Pro Canada, a subscription publication covering Canadian politics that’s set to launch this fall.


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News and Media (Regional)

GetSurrey: Joshua Smith (@joshua_smith1) has left.

Northamptonshire Telegraph: Neil Burkett (@BurkettNeilNT) has been appointed Deputy Editor.


BBC Radio 1: Mel Lewis (@melisonfire) has been named Producer.

BBC Radio 1Xtra: Jade Style (@1Xtra) has been appointed Producer.

Bloomberg News: Angelina Rascouet (@arascouet) has been named Reporter.

Business and Commerce

Business Insider UK: Ben Gartside (@bengartside) has been appointed Political Reporter.

Which? Money: Michael Trudeau (@miketrudeau) has left to freelance.

Consumer Lifestyle

Glass Magazine: Lily Rimmer (@glassmagazine) has been named Managing Editor.

Harvey Nichols Magazine: Laura Smith (@harveynichols) has been named Editorial Administrator.

Pink News: Sofia Lotto Persio (@pinknews) has been named Senior News Reporter.

Stylist: Helen Atkin (@StylistMagazine) has been appointed Fashion Assistant.

Which?: Harry Rose (@WhichUK) has been named Editor.


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