
Here you have it! The most notable journalist and media industry moves of the past week.


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News and Media (National)

Daily Mirror: Andrew Gregory (@andrewgregory) has been appointed Political Editor.

Daily Star Online: Jack Pusey (@Jack_Pusey) has been named Deputy Digital Showbiz Editor.

Daily Telegraph: Asa Bennett (@asabenn) has been appointed Brexit Commissioning Editor. Dia Chakravarty (@DiaChakravarty) has been named Brexit Editor. James Rothwell (@JamesERothwell) has been appointed Brexit Correspondent.

Guardian Weekend, The: Meera Sodha (@meerasodha) has been appointed Food Columnist. Zoe Williams (@zoesqwilliams) has been named Fitness Columnist. Coco Khan (@cocobyname) also joins as a Columnist, covering property.

Sunday Express: Kate Devlin (@_katedevlin) has been named Deputy Political Editor.

Sun Online, The: Ally Farrell (@AllyFarrell) has been appointed Creative Lead (News).

Sunday People, The: Melanie Blake (@MelanieBlakeUK) has been named TV Reviewer.

News and Media (Regional)

Alloa & Hillfoots Advertiser: Mark Connor (@markconnor7) has been named Senior Reporter.

Lancashire Telegraph: Steven Thompson (@SteveThompson80) has been appointed Editor.

Watford Observer: Anna Slater (@AnnaELGuardian) has been appointed Head of News.


Channel Television: Susan Ripoll (@SusanRipoll) has been appointed Reporter.

ITV News: Andrew Dagnell (@andrewdagnell) has been appointed News Editor, UK Specialists.

KMFM Radio: Molly Mileham-Chappell (@MollyMC_KM) has been appointed Presenter & News Reader.

RT: Joana Ramiro (@JoanaRamiroUK) has left to pursue freelance opportunities.

Healthcare and Medicine

Cancer Nursing Practice: Editor Jennifer Sprinks (@JenniferSprinks) has returned from leave.

Health & Fitness: Eve Boggenpoel (@moonstone1m) has been named Features Writer.

Pharma Times: Editor George Underwood (@Geo_Underwood) has returned from leave.

Sports and Leisure

Time Out: Mark Frith has been appointed Editor.

Technology and Telecoms

Stuff: Tom Wiggins (@WiggoWiggo) has left to pursue freelance opportunities.



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News and Media

Associated Press: Wendy Benjaminson (@wbenjaminson) has been promoted to National News Editor. She oversees national reporting teams covering education, environment, immigration, state government, and race and ethnicity. She also manages reporters covering religion, law enforcement and social issues. Associated Press has also promoted Sarah Nordgren (@sarahnordgren) to Deputy Managing Editor for sports, business, entertainment/lifestyles, and health/science. Noreen Gillespie (@norgillespie) is now Deputy Managing Editor for U.S. news. Lisa Gibbs (@lisagibbs954) has been named Director of News Partnerships. Brad Foss (@bradfoss_) is now Interim Business Editor.

Atlantic, The: promotes Matt Thompson (@mthomps) to Executive Editor overseeing medium and long term cross-platform projects. Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF) has been promoted to Editor of the website, replacing J.J. Gould.

Cincinnati Enquirer: Carl Weiser (@cweiser) has been promoted to Editor for government, politics and business. Cindi Andrews (@cindiincincy) moves to Investigative and Enterprise Editor.

Circa.com: Mark Hensh has left.

Long Island Press: hires John Kominicki as Publisher and Executive Editor. Tim Bolger has been promoted to Editor-in-Chief. Currently an online-only publication it’s slated to launch as a monthly print edition in September. The publication was acquired by Schneps Communications in April. Schneps also publishes community newspapers and magazines serving New York City’s outer boroughs.

Reuters: Philip McClellan (@PhilipMcClellan) has been named Asia Top News Editor. He works from Singapore.

Texas Observer: Michael Barajas (@michaelsbarajas) has joined as a Staff Writer covering civil rights.

Washington Post, The: Nick Miroff (@NickMiroff) has been named National Security Correspondent. Andrew deGrandpre (@adegrandpre) has been named Reporter on the General Assignment News desk, effective July 24. He will write enterprise and breaking news stories.


Marketplace: promotes Betsy Streisand to Washington Bureau Chief.

Business and Commerce

Adweek: promotes Stephanie Paterik (@stephpaterik) to Managing Editor. David Griner (@griner) has been named Director of Digital Initiatives. Emma Bazilian ((@ebazilian) is now Features Editor. Jason Lynch (@jasonlynch) has been appointed Senior Editor for TV, including streaming video. Lauren Johnson (@laurenjohnson) has been promoted to Senior Editor overseeing tech coverage, including mobile and social platforms. Kristina Monllos (@KristinaMonllos) is now Senior Editor covering brand marketing.

Forbes: Biz Carson (@bizcarson) has been appointed Technology Reporter, effective Aug. 14.

Consumer Lifestyle

Cosmopolitan: Ashley Oerman (@AshleyOerman) is now Wellness Editor.

Fairchild Media: James Fallon has been named Editorial Director. He will oversee FN, Beauty Inc and Fairchild Live Media in addition to WWD.

Nylon: Bianca Valle (@thebiancavalle) has been named Beauty Editor.

Self: Casey Gueren (@caseygueren) has been appointed Health Director.

Whole Foods Magazine: Laurie Petersen (@lauriepete) has been named Editor-in-Chief.

Healthcare and Medicine

Cox Media Group: launches Health Care Extra, a weekly digital newspaper section covering health policy and consumer health. It’s inserted in the digital editions of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Austin American-Statesman, Dayton Daily News, The Palm Beach Post and other Cox newspapers. Content consists almost entirely of stories from wire and syndication services. The first edition appeared Sunday, July 16.

MediMedia US: have moved editorial and business offices to Suite 100, The Tannery, 19 West College Ave. The company, now a division of Icon PLC, publishes Managed Care and Pharmacy & Therapeutics Journal.

National Psoriasis Foundation: hires Angela Kwan as Editor of Psoriasis Advance, its patient magazine and website. She’s currently on leave until October. Director of marketing and communications John Ogden is filling in until she returns.

Sports and Leisure

Time Out America: plans a July 26 launch for Time Out San Francisco, a quarterly magazine (circ: 75,000) covering events and attractions in the San Francisco Bay Area. The editor is Sarah Medina.

Yahoo Sports: Pete Thamel (@PeteThamel) has been named Boston-based National Reporter covering college football, college basketball and the NFL.

Technology and Telecoms

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM): Kivmars Bowling has been named Publications Director.

Wired: hires Scott Thurm (@ScottThurm) as Business Editor, effective July 31.

Travel, Transport and Logistics

Freightwaves: Brian Straight (@truckingtalk) has been appointed Managing Editor.


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